Posts tagged ‘EMF detector’

February 19, 2011

The Ghost Hunter Store

Today on this very blustery day, I took a trip to Mt. Holly to visit the Ghost Hunter Store, which is the only store that sells paranormal equipment in the country!  The trip was very dangerous since my teeny car gets blown off course by the wind very easily, but after I parked the car it was great!

During my visit, I met Lee Perley, who manages the store, is a member of the South Jersey Ghost Research group, and was full to the brim of information.  He showed all of the different equipment that paranormal investigators typically use during cases.  The piece that particularly interested me was this EMF detector.

An EMF detector is used to read the electro magnetic energy, something ghosts are supposed to give off, in a room.  This model does that as well as shows the current temperature in the room, sounds an alarm if a cluster of electro magnetic energy comes too close, and the antenna emits its own magnetic field, which is energy ghosts can use.

Unfortunately, this piece of equipment costs close to $2oo, so I had to leave the store without it.  I did, however, buy a book, Ghost Research 101: Investigating Haunted Homes by Dave Juliano (the director of the South Jersey Research group and owner of the Ghost Hunter Store), that I think will be very helpful during my research.  It covers everything from types of hauntings and spirits, explanations and breakdown of the equipment used during cases, psychic investigator, and so much more.

While chatting with Lee at the store, I mentioned that I had submitted my application to join the South Jersey Ghost Research group, and he said that I should be hearing back from them shortly.  Hopefully I’ll be offered an invitation to be interviewed, and if I’m accepted I’ll begin the 9 week intensive training course to become a licensed paranormal investigator.  Did I mention the training will take place in haunted locations?  I’m excited!

That’s the latest on the research front.  I’m also trying to gather books and journal articles pertaining to ghost hunting and paranormal investigating.  If anybody has any suggestion, please share!