Posts tagged ‘Jon Sarkin’

January 26, 2011

Heart, Soul, and Objectivity

While discussing the pieces we had to read for Core 2 last night, I felt like I was having heart failure after I realized how much research (time, effort, energy, money, brainpower, etc.) went into writing every one of those articles.  The longer I sat on class, the more panicked I felt about conducting all of this research, a feeling that was only compounded after Dr. Wolff went over the requirements for our research proposals (due by Sunday, by the way).

My first thought: What the HELL am I going to write about?

My second thought: How am I going to be able to remain objective towards my topic after compiling months and months worth of research?

I remember while reading Amy Ellis Nutt’s piece and thinking how difficult it must have been for her to, after shadowing this man and his family for an extended period of time, remain objective towards her topic of research.  This story was her baby, something she nurtured from inception and watched it grow and flourish into the amazing article that it is today, but at some/multiple points while conducting her research, she must have had to remove all of her emotional attachment and examine her piece critically.

As a writer, I think that can be the most difficult thing to do.  To write is to put your heart and soul into every piece you create, and to take a step back and really think about what you’ve managed to do so far and how much farther you have to go can be a daunting task to undertake.

This class will be challenging, but I’m hoping it will push me to push myself more than I ever have before.

Now all I have to do is think of a topic and then I can start….