Ghost Hunting Research Progress

The semester is gaining momentum, and my research is growing right along with it.  I have, as mentioned , secured all of my interviewees (thank you to Tracey, Lee, Jen, and Michael!), and I have a mountain of books that I’m slowly working my way through…very slowly.

I’m also planning on making taking some more trips out to haunted locations.  Through my readings, I found out that Cape May is considered to be the most haunted location in New Jersey, and Cape May Haunts: Elaine’s Haunted Mansion and Other Eerie Beach Tales by D.P. Rosenberry is a great guide to several haunted locations.  I’ve also been looking into tours that run through the town and stop at several of the haunted establishments.  A classmate of mine, Christen, who lives in Cape May, is going to be my touring buddy when I do actually make it down there so I won’t have to go to all of these haunted locations alone.

I’ve also been reading Ghostly Adventures: Chilling True Stories from America’s Haunted Hot Spots by Christopher Balzano, which is full to the brim with tips about ghosts, paranormal investigating and its revitalization thanks to the Internet, Ouija boards, and ghost stories from across the country.

I’ve been learning so much; there’s such a wealth knowledge that everyone in this cultural world is willing and eager to share!  I’m looking forward to seeing how much more information I can uncover throughout the next couple of weeks! Happy hunting!

4 Responses to “Ghost Hunting Research Progress”

  1. Have fun on your ghostly tours. I have been in quite a few of the homes in Cape May that are said to be haunted.

  2. Those books look like they belong on the shelves on of the library in my own personal hell. HOWEVER, I am really excited for you. This project seems to be going really well.


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